of loaves and fishes...

Posted by adp on 8:18 PM
part of my initiation rites for a school org was an activity aptly called devil's advocate. It tests my ability to reason out the perpetually unanswered questions on faith. My "master" asked me to logically explain the multiplication of loaves. "It is a miracle of God", I reasoned. "He provides" He then in returned told me the logic behind it to test my faith. I remembered feeling angered that time, I almost cried. It was frustrating to argue with the "devil". I was sad I couldn't even defend what I believe in. Years from then ironically I heard the same logical explanation in a homily. And by then, it didn't even sound devilish at all.

sharing the probably most unique explanation on the multiplication of the loaves:

It was said that the gospels version of the story was meant to make the story concise thus eliminating the seemingly unimportant details. Maliciously we could say that it was to emphasize the miracle. But I think it was to focus on the benefits of believing and following Jesus.

The loaves could have been not multiplicated as if by magic. Jesus asked for donors and the first donation was the 5 loaves and seven fishes. The pilgrims then followed the example and shared what little they have to the group. The people who followed Jesus was said to have followed him prepared, thus they brought "baon". This is what they shared to those who followed with nothing to bring...And thus everyone was able to eat.

The story did not falsify the possibility of a miracle but rather it teaches us that miracles are not only those that happens in a blink of an eye. The miracle of sharing and taking care of your brothers in faith is a miracle in itself.

....and we could all learn from that...sometimes it feels like God asks too much from us for him to consider us worthy...but actually he asks for simple acts of kindness...we need not do anything grand or magnanimous in effect...it takes one simple act to progress into something big...

...even a simple act is hard to start with...but every person is capable of it...

just one magic word: SHARE...it translates to miracles...(",)


Anonymous says:

awwwww. i share. :)

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