watta day!

Posted by adp on 12:39 AM in
I'd been staying up too late this past few days because
1) I'm fangirling
2) internet is an awesome learning tool
3) internet is awesome (must emphasize) and
4) yes, I am distracting myself from something...the details of which is yet to be posted...in time...

Alas! This morning all those late nights took a toll on me. I can't get out of bed. My body clock snap awake at the precise time, but my body was miserably not ready. That moment when you hear your mind scolding your body to stop being lazy and get the hell out of bed. Body always win. Body is stubborn. And so, 1 more leave wasted and unproductive...


Today was also a school day...And isn't it awesome when classes are suspended? Investiture was supposedly only upto 5pm (my class is at 5:30) But classes rarely resumes after 5:30 unless a teacher finds a reason to force your lazy butts to class. But my teacher is cool...it is the subject that is 'uncool' ...and thus lazy day continues! Lazy day + a little school work...

And who would have thought...ze zizter iz alzo on leave...and the coupon for ze spa is waiting to be used...So off we went to date on that water spa complex. We were actually prepared days ago. So today was the reason for it.

I totally loved the experience. Since it's a work/school day, there's not much people around so it's a win! I love the foot spa thingy and the waterfalls. I hate the steam bath most next is the 40deg pool. The cold pool was insane...but not a fan either. The 38deg jasmine pool I can tolerate. But those hot pools do not really rank high on my list of win. The amenities were good, the staff were polite and helpful. Will I go back? Definitely and I'd bring my mom, aunties and cousins there too...they'll love it. I remember way back we owned the jet pools in fontana as if we paid for them. Haha

Then off we went to feast on steak and lechon. I was never this hungry in my life. It was tiring but good king of tired. It was really a win day after all.

Oh, by the way besides the lazy day fail the other fail was that my texts were not sent since I didn't know load expired. So, no notifications for work or to mom. No birthday greetings sent too. Nil, nada. I probably might as well throw away my phone. Or maybe find a reason for it to be important to me again...textmate anyone? =)


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